Development Update: January 22nd, 2024

That’s right, next week we got us an update coming out. We’re putting the finishing touches on the balance right now, and I’m dealing with a few extra topic situations and the like. Unfortunately, the maps and one extra CG will not be ready in time for the initial launch, that will have to get patched in.

As usual, patrons/subscribers/whatever will get the game on the 29th of January, while the public will get it on the last day of February.

Get psyched!

If you want to cancel your patreon/subscribestar/whatever due to the knowledge that this is what I do with my money, I agree with you, but please don’t punish the artists. Koops and Stinkehund don’t do stuff like this, they deserve your support.

Made by the brilliant Mugenbine, script by Salty :3

Rationally debate this post on the forums!    Discussion thread for String Tyrant!

Witch Hunter Izana’s forums page! Get it on Steam or! It has a free demo!

Pandemonium’s Steam Page! You can get updates automatically.

Maiden Sealed in Stone, a game Salty translated!

Buy String Tyrant, our gaiden game, on! It’s on Steam too!

Ask us questions anonymously on Curious Cat!

Buy our merch on Redbubble and Teepublic!

Give us money on Patreon so we can make more monstergirl stuff!

Alternately, give us money on Subscribestar so we can make more monstergirl stuff!

DO NOT join our Discord and curse at me in person! Our testers might be cats, I can’t tell!

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