Development Update: March 18th, 2024

I have cleaned up the bugs from the first half of chapter 5, so now it’s on to the next half and maybe NC+ bugs. Once those are all taken care of, I’ll release a patch and then start working on the new stuff.

Urimas will be making the chapter 2 loading animation this week, Hund is still working on the chapter 2 opening image, Koops got a BIG COMMISSION but is otherwise working on the chapter 5 trainer. We might also see the Sanya Harpy talk sprites this month depending on Giga’s schedule.

The Voice Actors have sent in a ton of auditions for the chapter 5 characters, we’ll be going over them as a team sometime soon and picking out who we want to go with.

After mulling it over for a while, I decided the best path forward is to make WHI have workshop support on the understanding that people who put stuff on the workshop should also provide zip files for users who got WHI via some other method. Only half of the userbase uses Steam.

This provides a method of backups for mods that don’t involve me having to do it without excluding non-Steam users. If anyone does upload a mod to the workshop without a matching zip file we’ll all politely ask them to upload one :3

This will take a bit of coding (I just have to add some backend to upload mods to the workshop, Steam insists you do it in-game for some reason) so I’ll see about that after the chapter 5 bugfix patch it out.

The Boys protect the house from danger.

Rationally debate this post on the forums!    Discussion thread for String Tyrant!

Witch Hunter Izana’s forums page! Get it on Steam or! It has a free demo!

Pandemonium’s Steam Page! You can get updates automatically.

Maiden Sealed in Stone, a game Salty translated!

Buy String Tyrant, our gaiden game, on! It’s on Steam too!

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