RoP Version 4.30 Released to Supporters and Development Update

The update can be found in the usual places, Itch/Steam/Secret Downloads Page

Changelog is at the bottom of the post

I’m going to spend some more shooting down the UFOs before I move on to Project Carnation, there are lots of small ones popping up all the time. I also want to spend some time using Valgrind to hunt down memory errors so I can get the code ship-shape.

Urimas is going to be working on idle animations for chapter 5 and the chapter 2 loading images, Koops and Chicken are busy with family stuff, Hund is mostly done the chapter 2 mountainscape. Everything is coming along.

“I have done my best to smile. Do you like it, bearer?” By Xandra.

HUNGER has caused Dmitri to evolve. Be afraid.

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